Monday, March 30, 2009

Teenagers in the News. . .

"Explicit Cellphone Photos Could Land Teenagers in Prison"

By: Riva Richmond

We have talked about teenagers being digital natives, and what teenager these days is without a cellphone in hand. In this article, Richmond states, "One in five teenagers may be child pornographers risking life in prison — for the crime of taking and distributing naked pictures of themselves." I thought SICK! i mean when i was 13 or 14 years old, i was not about taking naked pictures of me or my friends, but now with teh invovement of sex all over the mainstream media, teens are becoming more and more risky with the ways that they are using the media that they have. It is called "sexting" an incident went teribly wrong when a boy in upper state NY took a picture of himself and sent it to a girl who then sent it and it eventually reached 300 kids. The problem is the media and cell phone and digital cameras mixing with the mass medias influence of sex on young children.

"Murders by Black Teenagers Rise, Bucking a Trend"

By: Erick Eckholm

"The murder rate among black teenagers has climbed since 2000 even as murders by young whites have scarcely grown or declined in some places, according to a new report. " Whe3n reading this article it was hard not to stereotype, because people are still so racist in our society, yet the statistics were scary. The main racial difference involves juveniles ages 14 to 17. In 2000, 539 white and 851 black juveniles committed murder, according to an analysis of federal data by the authors. In 2007, the number for whites, 547, had barely changed, while that for blacks was 1,142, up 34 percent. The numbers are outstading and some of this has to do with what is being shouwn on the news and on the shows and video games, but others has to do with how people are brought up and what they are forming into, all in all it is a scary subject and something must be done!

"The Lives of Teenagers Now: Open Blogs, Not Locked Diaries"

By: Tom Zeller

This article i read in teh New York Times was not all bad, like the other 2 i read, THis article simply was stating that teens are becoming more and more atuned to making digital masterpieces. People who have studied graphic and making digital art are getting a run for their money. A teen, Mellissa, made a digital slideshow about her father that passed away on her own website with pictures and music and it was all for free. Teens have such an access to online art that they are making wonderful things out of what they are given. According to the Pew survey, 57 percent of all teenagers between 12 and 17 who are active online - about 12 million - create digital content, from building Web pages to sharing original artwork, photos and stories to remixing content found elsewhere on the Web. Some 20 percent publish their own Web logs. Myspace and Facebook are changing the way teens live their lives and they are becoming less social in person and more social through the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lauren!!

    I like the last article you found. I think that it is cool for teens to have access to digital art, like slideshows, because it can be a fun way to express themselves.
