Monday, April 20, 2009


Talking Back

Teens these days represent themselves in many ways. This website that i have been looking over has youth media all over the site! It is a great way for the youth today to express themselves and a way to "TALK BACK". Kids have a lot to say when they have the chance to express themselves. I watched some videos, and they were great. some of the videos were ones that adluts would make, i feel. I watched one video that was called "Blinde Date" and it was a boy who was blind who was a real jerk and was taking this girl out on a date, he was mean to her parents and when they go to the movie theater, she left. At first I thought it was making fun on the Blind, when in actuality, it was stating that people are people, blind, deaf, black, white, or purple(lol). He was a real jerk and thats why the girl left him.
People in today's society really put down teenagers, saying they are dumb and silly and dark and immature, thoughout the course, and the readinds we have done, i have come to realize that teens are normal people and everyone is going to be, is, or was a teenager at one point in their lives. Teens can express themselves through the media and use this access to show what they are really doing in life and how they think. Every single teen in different.


  1. Hey Lauren!!

    I also agree that every teen is different. They express themselves in different ways and that makes them unique in their own way.

  2. hey! so. i'm trying to find that song by 'seeed' you played in class.. it doesn't seem to exist at all. lol. what was the name of the song again? or do you have an album title? i loveeeed it :)

  3. Lauren, you did a really nice job using this blog and all the technology it allowed. Well done.
